The purpose of this page is to illustrate some of the successful downtown improvement projects put forth by the Rochester Main Street volunteers.
Downtown Speed LimitIn the spring of 2023, Main Street president Jeff Bisson attended a Rochester Public Safety Committee meeting to advocate for a reduced speed limit and additional signs in the downtown corridor. At the time, the nearest speed limit sign was located near Burger King on the far end of North Main Street, well beyond what most consider the "downtown" area. The committee agreed and quickly installed several 25 MPH signs throughout the downtown district.
Main Street LightsHave you noticed that downtown Rochester has been a little brighter? if so, that's because Rochester Main Street collaborated with Buildings and Grounds for the City of Rochester to install Edison lights along North Main Street. The lights make people feel more comfortable after dark, highlight businesses along the street, and add vibrancy to our downtown.
Public ArtRochester Main Street is the fiscal sponsor for the Rochester Museum of Fine Arts. Thanks to an annual public art fund, budgeted by the Economic Development Department for the City of Rochester, RMS and RMFA have successfully installed numerous public art projects around downtown. The murals and sculptures add variety and vibrancy to the visual landscape. Click here to view the public art map.
Wyndotte Alley ArchwayRochester Main Street volunteers are responsible for adding an iron archway to the North Main Street facing entrance to Wyandotte alley. Since then, public art has been added to the boarded windows of the building on the right. Main Street also added a graffiti resistant coating to the handicap ramp.
Factory CourtFactory Court was originally a one-way outlet to North Main Street from the Union Street Parking Lot. In 2000, Rochester Main Street volunteers converted the street into a pedestrian walkway, adding iron archways and a small stage for local performers. In 2016, Main Street handed the baton to Revolution Taproom & Grill. Revolution was able to transform the space into one of downtown's most beautiful places to visit during the summer. It's a perfect example of why Main Street is vital to a downtown community... The organization reimagines underutilized spaces and creatively transforms them for businesses and community members to later take to the next level.